Resource Capital Corp.
Capital Corp. is a specialty finance company that qualifies as a real
estate investment trust, or REIT, for federal income tax purposes.
RCC's investment strategy focuses on real estate-related assets, and,
to a lesser extent, higher-yielding commercial finance assets primarily
concentrating on the following asset classes: commercial real
estate-related assets such as whole loans, B-notes, mezzanine loans and
commercial finance assets such as other syndicated bank loans,
equipment leases and notes, trust preferred securities and private
equity investments principally issued by financial institutions. RCC is
externally managed by Resource Capital Manager, Inc., an indirect
wholly owned subsidiary of Resource America, Inc. (Nasdaq: REXI), a
specialized asset management company that uses industry specific
expertise to generate and administer investment opportunities for its
own account and for outside investors in the financial fund management,
real estate, and equipment finance sectors. Visit the Resource Capital Corporation website >>